Benefits of Asphalt Shingle Roof

Roofs are one of those things that most of us don’t think about until we need to…that is to say, until something goes wrong. Maybe it was a leak, a bad storm, or the home inspection preceding your new home purchase that got you thinking about the condition of your roof. Whatever it was, if you’ve found yourself in need of a new roof, you might be surprised to find that you have a lot more options than you realized. There are many kinds of roofs, each with its own pros and cons to consider.

Researching every kind of roof and shingle is nothing short of overwhelming, so we’re hoping to streamline your research and eliminate some of that overwhelm. In today’s blog post, we are going to share all about asphalt shingles and their benefits.

Asphalt Shingles

If you Google the most common type of shingles, you will see asphalt shingles listed at the top of the search results. Sure enough, asphalt shingles are the popular choice for homes in the United States. According to, over 80% of homes in America have asphalt roofs. There are many reasons for this, which we’ll highlight in a later section.

Asphalt shingles have been around for a long time—over a hundred years! They haven’t always been used to the extent that they are today, and they have definitely come a long way in the last century.

Types of Asphalt Shingles

There are three main types of asphalt shingles: strip shingles, dimensional shingles, and luxury shingles.

Strip Shingles

Also called 3-tab shingles, strip shingles are the cheapest asphalt shingles on the market. They have a flat appearance and can last up to 25 years.

Dimensional Shingles

These shingles will cost a little more than strip shingles, but they can last up to 30 years. As the name implies, they offer a more dimensional look than basic shingles, which can elevate the look of any home.

Luxury Shingles

Unsurprisingly, luxury shingles are the most expensive asphalt shingles on the market. They can last up to 50 years when properly installed and taken care of. These shingles are bigger than standard shingles and designed to look like slate.

Benefits of Asphalt Shingles

Now that we have a basic understanding of the types of asphalt shingles, it’s time to unpack why they are the most popular choice for roofs in the United States.


Cost is easily the most advantageous benefit of asphalt shingles. From an economic standpoint, they are simply the best option. This applies to labor costs as well, since asphalt shingles are the easiest kind of shingle to install.


Asphalt shingles come in a wide variety of colors and styles, so homeowners have many options to choose from. Whether you want your new roof to resemble your old roof or be completely different, the chance is high that you will find a shingle that aligns with your preferences.

Fire Resistant

Many asphalt shingles have a Class A fire rating, which is the highest rating possible. This provides homeowners with peace of mind when it comes to protecting their families and homes.

Energy Efficient

They might not be the most energy efficient shingles on the market, but certain asphalt shingles do have energy-efficient features that can benefit your home.

Easy to Repair

Asphalt shingles are the easiest kind of shingles to repair, no matter who you hire! If you need repairs down the road, you won’t have to worry about finding a roofing company to do the job.

Rust Resistant

You don’t have to worry about rust damage on asphalt shingles, which is one less thing to worry about!

Drawbacks to Consider

No roofing material is perfect, and though they are ideal for many reasons, asphalt shingles are no exception. Compared to other kinds of shingles, asphalt shingles have a shorter lifespan. To last 50 years, you’ll need to opt for luxury shingles. Metal shingles can last for 75 years, and slate shingles can last even longer, sometimes over a hundred years.

Mildew is another common complaint about asphalt shingles. Because asphalt shingles aren’t mildew resistant, it’s essential to keep up with regularly cleaning an asphalt roof to prevent mildew or algae from growing.

Roofing Services in Northern Virginia & Beyond

If you’re looking for a roofing company in Manassas, Virginia or the surrounding areas to replace or repair your roof, we’d love to help. Contact NVB Contacting today for a free roof inspection. Our team is here to answer any questions you have about asphalt shingles, roof repair, and more.

About NVB Contracting

Since 2011, NVB Contracting has provided homeowners throughout Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland with quality roofing and home restoration services. In addition to general roof maintenance, repair, and replacement, we specialize in helping homeowners file hassle-free homeowners insurance claims to save money while restoring their home after a storm.